This is the headset camcorder that records and transmits video to a smartphone (Play Video). The device captures video at 480p resolution at 30 fps and wirelessly transmits an MPEG4 recording to an iPhone or Android smartphone. The smartphone acts as a viewfinder for properly aligning the camcorder with the wearer's field of vision and it instantly shares videos via e-mail or posts them on Facebook or Youtube with the touch of a button. The device can be worn on either ear and the flexible rubberized ear loop and rotating camcorder barrel adjust to keep the video level. In cell phone mode, the headset provides active noise cancellation, one-touch call control, and volume control. Its rechargeable battery provides up to four hours of video recording and 10 hours of talk time after a 4-hour charge from AC or a 9-hour charge from USB (adapters included). Can also connect to a computer using USB to download videos. Requires iOS 4.2 or higher or Android 2.0 or higher and a free smartphone application available at iTunes or Android Market. 4 3/4" L x 3/4" W x 2 1/2" H. (1 oz.)
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