The main purpose that I bought this product is for its geotagging feature. However, the limits of its ability to geotag photos are not made clear, and required me to do some in depth research. It does not use GPS to geotag, but the skyhook network, and therefore it is necessary to be in range of wireless networks (thus, it would not geotag photos taken in Yosemite). ALSO, the geotagging data does not appear to be embedded in the photo on the memory card, because if the photos are uploaded to your computer via the camera or the included card reader, the geotag data is not attached to the photo. The only way to have the geotag data attached to the photo is to upload the photo wirelessly through the Eye-Fi browser interface. Once I realized this, I accepted that I had already purchased it and wanted to make the most of the card. However, it would behoove Eye-Fi to be MUCH MORE CLEAR AND PRECISE in its marketing of the product and statement of its capabilities.
The other, though less important, reason that I bought this card is because of its wireless upload capabilities. However, again, Eye-Fi does not make clear the specifics of how this is achieved, nor the limitations. Uploading from the card to either your computer or the web service of your choosing can occur in two ways: while you are in range of a network which you have pre-configured the card for with that network's credentials; or when in range of a Wayport access point (at a cost of $15 per year, 1st year is free with some Eye-Fi cards) or open networks. As it says on my Eye-Fi manager settings:
"Wayport, Inc. offers Internet access at over 10,000 retail locations, including McDonald's restaurants, hotels and airports. Open Networks offer free Internet access and do not require you to load a browser welcome screen. By enabling this option, you are allowing the card to search for and connect to these types of networks. When connected, your Eye-Fi card will securely upload your photos to your computer or online destination."
However, there is no indicator on your camera as to whether or not the card is able to connect to any given network or photos are being uploaded, without having your computer to check the Eye-Fi Manager software.
In conclusion, as long as you perform your due diligence and know what to expect when purchasing this card, it will greatly satisfy some users. For other users, it is not the right device.
Eye-Fi 4GB Share Video SDHC Wireless Flash Memory Card EYE-FI-4SV
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